
What does a steward actually do?
Some steward responsibilities include:

  • Investigate, write, and file grievances on behalf of members.
  • Help to solve problems outside the grievance procedure.
  • Ensure good communication between the members and the executive.
  • Educate members about the collective agreement, about the union’s role in the workplace – and about important social issues.
  • Stand up as a strong ally with members from equity-seeking groups.
  • Mobilize members to support the union’s role in bargaining, to attend public rallies, etc.
  • Act as a mediator when members are in conflict with each other.
  • Help a member get accommodation or return to work after an injury or illness.

As a steward, your role is to watch and listen to what’s happening in your workplace, on behalf of your local. As part of this role, you will want to inform the executive of issues that the local needs to deal with in bargaining; watch for early warning signs of privatization or contracting out; and stay alert for other problems.

Richard Hooper
ext 2554

    • Community and Operations Services: Community Support Services (C.S.S.) – Transportation & Parking Services and Consolidated Operations Depot (C.O.D.) Admin, Fire (Admin)
    • Economic and Development Services: Engineering (including Admin)
    • Corporate and Finance Services: Legal (Admin)

Catharine Fairweather
ext 5303

    • Community and Operations Services: Recreation – Parks & Facilities
    • Legislative Services: Service Oshawa
    • Finance Services: Purchasing Services
    • OSCC55+: all sites

Lucy Lovric
ext 2330

    • Community and Operations Services: Community Support Services (C.S.S.) – Animal Services
    • Corporate and Finance Services: Information Technology Services
    • Safety and Facilities Services: Municipal Law Enforcement & Licensing Services
    • Legislative Services: City Clerk Services

Maggie Daley
ext 5300

    • Finance Services: all areas except Purchasing Services
    • Economic and Development Services: Building Permits & Inspection, Planning, Facility & Project Management (including Admin)